PIF Cosmetics Product Information File Creation Guide

· Regulations

The "PIF Cosmetics Product Information File Creation Guide" refers to a manual for creating a Product Information File (PIF) in the cosmetics industry. This file is a requirement under the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, which mandates that every cosmetic product sold in the EU market must have a complete PIF.

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  • Components of a PIF
  • Product Description: Includes basic information such as the product’s appearance, ingredients, and intended use.
  • Safety Assessment Report: A safety assessment conducted by a qualified safety assessor, based on the product’s ingredients, formulation, and intended use.
  • Manufacturing Process and GMP Statement: Detailed description of the product’s manufacturing process, ensuring compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
  • Ingredient List and Regulatory Compliance: A detailed list of all ingredients in the product, ensuring that they comply with relevant regulations.
  • Labeling and Usage Instructions: Includes all labeling information on the packaging, such as the product name, ingredient list, allergens, etc.
  • Evidence of Product Efficacy: Scientific evidence supporting the claims made about the product’s effectiveness.


  • Importance of the PIF
  • Regulatory Requirement: The PIF is essential for ensuring that the product complies with EU cosmetics regulations; all cosmetics entering the EU market must have a PIF.
  • Market Access: Products without a PIF cannot be sold in the EU market, and non-compliance may result in fines or product withdrawal.
  • Risk Management: Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment through the PIF can help companies reduce potential legal risks.


  • How to Create a PIF
  • Data Collection: Gather all relevant data about the product, including ingredients, formulation, manufacturing process, etc.
  • Choose a Qualified Safety Assessor: This person must have the necessary certifications and sufficient experience.
  • Documentation and Storage: Organize all the data into a complete PIF and store it securely, keeping it ready for inspection.
  • Regular Updates: If the product’s formulation or ingredients change, the PIF must be updated accordingly.


Tools and Resources

  • Cosmetics Regulations and Guidelines: Stay informed about relevant regulations and guidelines to ensure that the product information complies with the latest standards.
  • Professional PIF Software: Consider using specialized software to assist in creating and managing the PIF.
  • Legal and Scientific Support: Seek assistance from regulatory experts or scientists to ensure that all information is accurate.

The purpose of this guide is to help companies understand and master the process of creating a compliant PIF, enabling them to successfully sell cosmetics in the EU market.